Multiple registries

Dubbo supports the same service to register multiple registries, or different services were registered to different registries, or even reference the same name service from different registries. In addition, the registry supports custom extensions 1

One service register to multiple registries

For example: Alibaba some services are not deployed in Qingdao, only deployed in Hangzhou. While other applications in Qingdao need to reference this service, you can register your services to both registries at the same time.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <dubbo:application name="world"  />
    <!-- Multi registries -->
    <dubbo:registry id="hangzhouRegistry" address="" />
    <dubbo:registry id="qingdaoRegistry" address="" default="false" />
    <!-- Service register to multiple registries -->
    <dubbo:service interface="" version="1.0.0" ref="helloService" registry="hangzhouRegistry,qingdaoRegistry" />

Different services register to different registries

For example: Some CRM services are specifically designed for international stations, and some services are specifically designed for Chinese stations.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <dubbo:application name="world"  />
    <!-- Multi registries -->
    <dubbo:registry id="chinaRegistry" address="" />
    <dubbo:registry id="intlRegistry" address="" default="false" />
    <!-- Service register to Chinese station registry -->
    <dubbo:service interface="" version="1.0.0" ref="helloService" registry="chinaRegistry" />
    <!-- Service register to international station registry -->
    <dubbo:service interface="" version="1.0.0" ref="demoService" registry="intlRegistry" />

Reference services from multiple registries

For example: CRM needs to call the PC2 service of Chinese station and international station at the same time. PC2 is deployed in both Chinese station and international station. The interfaces and version numbers are the same, but the database used is different.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <dubbo:application name="world"  />
    <!-- Multi registries -->
    <dubbo:registry id="chinaRegistry" address="" />
    <dubbo:registry id="intlRegistry" address="" default="false" />
    <!-- Reference Chinese station service -->
    <dubbo:reference id="chinaHelloService" interface="" version="1.0.0" registry="chinaRegistry" />
    <!-- Reference international station service -->
    <dubbo:reference id="intlHelloService" interface="" version="1.0.0" registry="intlRegistry" />

When testing, the service needs to be temporarily register to two registries, which can use vertical signs to separate multiple different registry addresses:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    <dubbo:application name="world"  />
    <!-- The vertical separation means that multiple registries are connected at the same time. Multiple cluster addresses of the same registry are separated by commas -->
    <dubbo:registry address="|" />
    <!-- service reference -->
    <dubbo:reference id="helloService" interface="" version="1.0.0" />
1. custom registry, see:registry extension

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